May 14-20
Sunday, May 14, 2023
#WeHealUS Good Vibes
Weekly Affirmation Engagement
Be kind to yourself. The health benefits of positive thinking Lower rates of depression. Lower levels of distress and pain. Greater resistance to illnesses. Better psychological and physical well-being.
Monday, May 15, 2023
Resilient PA
In collaboration with Collectively Rooted, HEAL PA is delighted to host a yearlong program with Maryann McEvoy, Executive Director of Governor Wolf’s Office of Advocacy and Reform and Child Advocate for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and an ensemble of renowned thinkers, authors, and presenters who work in the field of trauma recovery.
These ongoing conversations focus on issues that are deeply relevant to Pennsylvania residents and will give our community space to reflect on, identify, and address the trauma in their lives and communities.
Live conversations will be scheduled monthly around lunchtime each day
These events are free to attend for Pennsylvania residents.
Recordings will be available for ResilientPA.org members. Anyone can be a member of ResilientPA.org at no cost to access this and other amazing resources! Join now.
Resilient Coach LLC
With passion, empathy and integrity, we provide multidisciplinary human services expertise to cultivate positive, lasting change in people's lives.
Step by Step, Inc.
Step By Step, Inc., a community based, human service agency, is committed to enhancing the quality of life and personal growth of those we serve through support for individual choice and independence. Our vast array of services focuses on meeting the needs of individuals across the lifespan while maintaining a vision toward each person’s desires, abilities, and right to be a productive and valued member of the community.
Tristate Trauma Network
The mission of the Tristate Trauma Network (TTN) is to create a community-wide commitment to the prevention of and recovery from trauma and toxic stress in the Southwest Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Southeast Indiana regions.
Bye Foundation
Our mission is to build community resilience and cross-sector collaboration by addressing funding equity gaps. This includes advocating for the implementation of SAMHSA's six guiding principles of trauma-informed approaches within organizations that support vulnerable communities.
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
PA Department of Corrections
Mindfulness into Action (MIA) Research Institute
Mindfulness Into Action (MIA®) is a research based transformational learning methodology with a multi-faceted approach. MIA® has proven its efficacy in three different countries (US, Norway, and Ecuador), where all participants regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, and economic status experience positive transformation. MIA® combines self-reflection exercises, organizational learning techniques, and indigenous practices. This approach brings unconscious self-sabotaging behaviors and thoughts into awareness in order to change them. View Tedx Teachers College here.
Health and Learning
To build a foundation for healthy communities, through educational resources, professional development and practice improvement, research, policy development, evaluation, and consult.
Our mission is to provide advocacy and counseling for all who have been affected by sexual violence and other crimes against the person and to promote sensitivity and awareness in the community through education. Founded in 1974 as Women Against Rape, we have been supporting survivors and their families for more than 40 years. Victim Services of Montgomery County, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Call our free, 24-hour hotline at 1-888-521-0983.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
“The Lyons Township Mental Health Commission is honored to host the 1st Annual #WeHealUS Trauma-Informed & Mental Health Justice Summit, May 17th-19th, 2023. More information and details at https://www.wehealus.org/justice-summit. The Justice Summit will feature local, state, national and international governments and organizations that are creating change in the justice system and restoring hope and healing for a better tomorrow.”
Virtual & In-Person Participation • 15+ Speakers • CEUs
May2023 CTIPP CAN meeting will focus on strategies to improve the well-being and fulfillment of trauma-informed advocates. We can't pour from empty cups!
More details coming soon.
Watch past calls at https://www.ctipp.org/news-resources-commentary/categories/ctipp-can
With passion, empathy and integrity, we provide multidisciplinary human services expertise to cultivate positive, lasting change in people's lives.
WRAP Seminar | Training
11 AM Pacific | 12 PM Mountain | 1 PM Central | 2 PM Eastern
hosted by Youth Move PA
The Wellness Recovery Action Plan or WRAP is a self-designed prevention and wellness tool that you can use to get and stay well. WRAP is for anyone, most age groups, any time, and for any of life's challenges. WRAP is listed in the National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices. Certification is provided.
Learning Objectives:
- Discover your own simple, safe wellness tools
- Develop a list of things to do every day to stay well as possible
- Identify upsetting events, early warning signs, and signs that things have gotten much worse
- Understand wellness tools and develop action plans to respond at the proper times
- Create a crisis plan
- Create a post-crisis plan
Pursuing trauma-informed and trauma-responsive approaches across sectors extends to the spaces and settings we inhabit. Join us on May 17 at 2:00pm ET to learn about advances in the fields of architecture, design, and urban planning that consider the needs of people with lived experiences of trauma to prevent re-traumatization and promote overall well-being, healing, and joy in individuals and communities.
“I don’t know what to do!”
That is the question our speaker, Heidi Bryan, has heard from everybody who reached out to her after their loved one attempted suicide or struggled with suicidal thoughts. Working over 20 years in suicide prevention, Heidi recognized the need for assistance
that families and attempt survivors need to heal and work together to create a life worth living. Utilizing her own experience as an attempt survivor and working with family members, she developed the new Family Matters workshop.
This webinar will discuss the Family Matters workshop, created with the intent to answer that question family members ask – what do I do? Heidi will discuss the genesis of the concept, the reasoning behind the modules covered in the workshop, as well the importance of supporting a family and the person who attempted or is struggling with suicidal thoughts/behavior. Topics covered by the workshop will include trauma, communication, ways to help the attempt survivor, self-care and self-compassion.Trauma Talks is a 16-part educational video series designed for prison residents who, after watching each video, sit in circles of 10-12 people to discuss what they’ve learned. Our corresponding workbooks assist individuals to explore their own trauma history and offer modalities to help them heal.Included in the videos are interviews with the top trauma experts and coaches in the world, roundtable discussions with returning community members, footage on addiction and incarceration, the critically acclaimed film The Wisdom of Trauma, CNN's The Redemption Project and Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday as well as information on beginning the healing process.
The objective of Trauma Talks is to educate all prison residents and justice-impacted communities about the effects and symptoms of childhood trauma, ways to heal from the past and ways to see themselves and others in a new light.
Former Surgeon General of California, Nadine Burke Harris joined us at Valley State Prison and participated in a day of healing, stating: “Prisons are an ICU (intensive care unit) for trauma.”
The corresponding workbook is available upon request as well.
Thursday, May 18, 2023
“The Lyons Township Mental Health Commission is honored to host the 1st Annual #WeHealUS Trauma-Informed & Mental Health Justice Summit, May 17th-19th, 2023. More information and details at https://www.wehealus.org/justice-summit. The Justice Summit will feature local, state, national and international governments and organizations that are creating change in the justice system and restoring hope and healing for a better tomorrow.”
Virtual & In-Person Participation • 15+ Speakers • CEUs
WRAP Seminar | Training
11 AM Pacific | 12 PM Mountain | 1 PM Central | 2 PM Eastern
hosted by Youth Move PA
The Wellness Recovery Action Plan or WRAP is a self-designed prevention and wellness tool that you can use to get and stay well. WRAP is for anyone, most age groups, any time, and for any of life's challenges. WRAP is listed in the National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices. Certification is provided.
Learning Objectives:
- Discover your own simple, safe wellness tools
- Develop a list of things to do every day to stay well as possible
- Identify upsetting events, early warning signs, and signs that things have gotten much worse
- Understand wellness tools and develop action plans to respond at the proper times
- Create a crisis plan
- Create a post-crisis plan
In this webinar participants will learn what ambiguous loss is, how to recognize it in children, and what can help them move forward while grieving for someone who is still alive.
Beth Tyson Trauma Consulting provides evidence-based guidance and education to help your organization become trauma-informed and healing-centered. You can learn more or schedule a free consultation at BethTyson.com.
Friday, May 19, 2023
“The Lyons Township Mental Health Commission is honored to host the 1st Annual #WeHealUS Trauma-Informed & Mental Health Justice Summit, May 17th-19th, 2023. More information and details at https://www.wehealus.org/justice-summit. The Justice Summit will feature local, state, national and international governments and organizations that are creating change in the justice system and restoring hope and healing for a better tomorrow.”
Virtual & In-Person Participation • 15+ Speakers • CEUs
WRAP Seminar | Training
11 AM Pacific | 12 PM Mountain | 1 PM Central | 2 PM Eastern
hosted by Youth Move PA
The Wellness Recovery Action Plan or WRAP is a self-designed prevention and wellness tool that you can use to get and stay well. WRAP is for anyone, most age groups, any time, and for any of life's challenges. WRAP is listed in the National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices. Certification is provided.
Learning Objectives:
- Discover your own simple, safe wellness tools
- Develop a list of things to do every day to stay well as possible
- Identify upsetting events, early warning signs, and signs that things have gotten much worse
- Understand wellness tools and develop action plans to respond at the proper times
- Create a crisis plan
- Create a post-crisis plan
This course introduces students to the world of trauma-informed approaches, which are based on the recognition that many individuals experience trauma and its effects, and are guided by the understanding that all people have the capacity to heal. It is designed to help educators, social workers, counselors, administrators, executive coaches, mentors and other professionals understand how to better interact and service those who have experienced trauma, which can be any and everyone.
The course will cover an overview of trauma, stress, and adversity, childhood trauma and adversity, neurological and somatic science, and resilience building tools and techniques. We will review ways to advocate for yourself, for others in the workplace and introduce the 6 Principles of Trauma-Informed approaches. These include cultural considerations for working with marginalized communities; building relationships and trust with people of diverse backgrounds; techniques for creating safety within professional and personal relationships; recognizing secondary trauma; practices for self-care and continued professional development.
At the end, participants will complete a knowledge assessment to receive their trauma-informed certification.
(1-Time or Monthly payments accepted)*RECORDED EVENT*
Bullying as a Traumatic Experience
hosted by Dana Milakovic, Psy.D., Mental Health/Alcohol and Other Drugs Specialist, Office for Safe Schools, Pennsylvania Department of Education
Research continues to support negative outcomes in adulthood related to mental and relational health for children who have experienced trauma. In this webinar, Pennsylvania’s trauma-informed principles will be discussed as a framework for moving toward development of trauma informed systems. Part of this journey involves addressing childhood experiences through a trauma informed lens. In terms of bullying, this means we need to identify bullying as a type of school violence and understand it as a type of traumatic experience for students and staff. This presentation will focus on identifying trauma, signs of trauma exposure in students, and how adults can use trauma-informed principles to address exposure to trauma.
Saturday, May 20, 2023
What is WhaleBreathing?
WhaleBreathing is a powerful self-healing technique that helps release emotional blocks, relieving you of stress, anxiety and tension. Join me from the comfort of your home as we take a healing journey with the whales that will open you up to greater love, joy and peace.
WhaleBreathing is a way of establishing and maintaining your connection to Self, Soul and Spirit. It helps increase the awareness of your inner voice. As that clarity opens, so does your ability to stand in your own strength to find your own power and authentic self. By incorporating the Energy Touch® healing modality into WhaleBreathing, you meet the I Am.
One of the leading healthcare organizations in Illinois, Memorial Health is a community-based, not-for-profit organization that provides a full range of inpatient, outpatient, home health, hospice, behavioral health and primary care physician services. With eight affiliates based in Sangamon and the neighboring counties, we deliver high-quality, patient-centered care in support of our mission to improve lives and build stronger communities through better health.

©WeHealUS 2024